What is the Teacher's Charter?

It is an initiative of the Ministry of Education, University and Research envisaged by Law 107 of 13 July 2016 (Good School), art. 1, paragraph 121, which establishes the Electronic Card for the upgrading and training of the teaching staff of the school institutions.

Who are the beneficiaries?

The Charter is awarded to full-time and part-time full-time, full-time and part-time school teachers, including teachers who are in training and testing, instructors declared unfit for health reasons referred to in art . 514 of Legislative Decree No. 164/94, No. 299, and subsequent amendments, teachers in command, posting, out of office or otherwise used, teachers in schools abroad, military schools.

What is the amount of paper?

The nominal amount of the card is 500 euros per year for each school year.

What can you buy with paper?

  • Books and texts, even in digital format, of publications and magazines anyway useful to the professional update;
  • Hardware and software;
  • Enrollment in courses for upgrading and qualification of professional skills, carried out by accredited institutions at the Ministry of Education, University and Research;
  • Enrollment in undergraduate, postgraduate, specialist or one-cycle courses, relating to the professional profile, or post-graduate or master's degree programs;
  • Access rights for theater and cinematographic performances;
  • Museums, exhibitions and cultural events and live shows;

Initiatives consistent with the activities identified under the three-year plan for the provision of schools and the National Training Plan, referred to in Article 1, paragraph 124, of Law no. 107 of 2015 (Good School).

For more information see the Teacher's Charter or contact our head office

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